Chris Steiner headshot
Christopher Steiner

Focus Areas
  • Private Equity
  • Data and AI
  • Due Diligence
  • Venture Capital
  • BS in Structural Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Y-Combinator Alumnus
  • MS, Journalism, Northwestern University

Christopher Steiner

Chris helps clients solve thorny problems using technology. He brings a knack for matching pieces of business value chain with technologies that can enhance and simplify operations.

Finding ROI Via Tech

Chris has a track record of unlocking extra value in private equity & venture capital investments through thoughtful technology implementations and data work. Most recently, Chris worked at Liberty Advisor Group where he helped private equity clients identify profitable technology plays within their portfolio. He led the technical and commercial diligence practice at Liberty, bringing his experience from the venture capital and software world to help clients form investment theses built around tech. One of Chris’ main focuses is assessing companies’ posture around AI and data to ensure they’re ready for the next five years as AI finds its way into more core business processes.

Experience + History

Funders Club, Coinbase, Slack, Instacart & Gitlab

Prior to Liberty, Chris worked with Funders Club, a VC shop with investments in Coinbase, Slack, Instacart and Gitlab. His technology investing background traces to a startup he co-founded, Aisle50, which was funded by Y Combinator and offered grocery subscriptions to consumers; it was acquired by Groupon in 2015. Steiner later served as an entrepreneur-in-residence at Northwestern University’s technology accelerator, The Garage.

An operator who knows how to best assess companies’ technology profiles

As an engineer who builds his own applications, he’s familiar with the latest cloud offerings and methodologies, and as a former operator he knows where to look to best assess a company’s technology health and profile. Chris is a New York Times Bestselling Author of two books, including Automate This, How Algorithms Came To Rule Our World. His writing on technology has appeared in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Forbes magazine, and the MIT Technology Review.

Chris lives in Evanston, Ill., where his family tolerates him as a youth hockey coach and as an enthusiastic skier who insists on traipsing about the Rockies every winter. For skiers bent on being on the right snow at the right time—according to the data—Chris built

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