Miguel Ramirez​
Miguel Ramirez​
Data Engineer

Focus Areas
  • Data Engineering​
  • Data Science and Analytics​
  • End to end ML development​
  • B.S. in Electronics Engineering, Technological University of Pereira, Pereira​
  • Masters in Analytics, National University of Colombia, Medellin​
Data Engineer

Miguel Ramirez​

Miguel is passionate about the data-driven world and all the new advances of AI technologies. He is a strong believer that data is the DNA of any company and only by understanding it, it is possible to achieve business goals and improve companies performances.

Miguel has been in the IT industry for over 8 years during which he has being involved in projects that combine technologies such as data engineering, cloud computing and software development, he has a key member in developing analytic and machine learning capabilities for multiple companies that wanted to transition to the AI world; his exposure to multiple cloud providers allows him to suggest the most suitable solution for multiple data-related businesses needs.

Miguel joins Cuesta in order to put his knowledge to the client’s needs; looking for better and faster solutions in the data field that can put clients in the front line of their business field. From data pipelines, to complete machine learning and AI development, Miguel has the knowledge and experience to lead the clients AI transformation.

Miguel lives in Medellin, Colombia. His family lives in the Coffee region in Colombia and talks to them everyday. He has 2 dogs, which he loves dearly, a labrador and a golden retriever. Miguel likes to spend his free time practicing Crossfit and running, and he likes to spend his weekends watching the latest movies and tv series.